A unique animal welfare charity. We’re proud to be the oldest welfare charity around.
We were the first to introduce a law to protect animals and work hard to ensure that all animals can live free from pain and suffering.
• Speak up. Through our campaigns we raise standards of care and awareness of issues and rely on your support to help us push for law changes and improving the welfare of animals on farms, in labs, the wild, paddocks or our homes.
• Stand up. Through investigations and prosecutions we stand up to those who deliberately harm animals to send out a clear message – we will not tolerate animal abuse. Our highly trained officers tackle neglect and cruelty on every level working to stamp out large-scale serious, organised and commercial animal cruelty.
• Be counted. Animals can rely on us to rescue them when they need us most. To rehabilitate them wherever possible, provide them with the very best veterinary care and to find them new homes, either through rehoming or release.